Mystical and futuristic, New York based NIHITI has so far produced a diverse and unexpected body of work, with each new release shifting its focus into new territory and genres. Described as "alternately uneasy, bloodthirsty and painfully beautiful" by Resident Advisor and chosen as record of the week by some of the better record stores in the states (Other Music NYC and Aquarius SF), their sound has intricately blurred the lines between acoustic and electronic, weaving the two together with a signature sense of dread. In 2014 and 2015, NIHITI was commissioned to provide a "sacred space" for New York's renowned Sustain-Release festival - continuous music and atmosphere for those in need of a moment to contemplate and collect themselves. Since then NIHITI has engaged in more site specific meditative installations instead of actual performances, including recent releases on their label of ambient dreamscapes by Nathan Jonson (Hrdvsion, Wagon Repair) and the artist Viktor Timofeev. It is this side of the collective, featuring lo bit landscapes, that will be on display.